C) cont 1 - max3
Selleria Gianetti

Risultati di Rudie WALLERBOSCH

Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
12/05/2019 121 H125 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) Elim. LUPIN DU PERCHET CH Elim. 0 0
11/05/2019 118 H125 IN TWO PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 71 LUPIN DU PERCHET CH 9 0 62.88
11/05/2019 206 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK+JUMP OFF Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 56 HERMES DU PERCHET 12 0 88.62
11/05/2019 207 H145 AGAINST THE CLOCK LRP4 D Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 53 NUNA DU PERCHET 11 0 90.7
10/05/2019 202 H135 IN 2 PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 66 HERMES DU PERCHET 4 0 49.9
10/05/2019 115 H125 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 2 LUPIN DU PERCHET CH 0 0 60.07
10/05/2019 203 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 16 NUNA DU PERCHET 0 0 67
LE SIEPI - ADRIATIC TOUR 2019 Salto Ostacoli
Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
30/03/2019 CSI2* MT.1,40 AG THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) Elim. HERMES DU PERCHET Elim. 0 0
30/03/2019 CSI2* MT.1,35 WITH JUMP OFF Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 7 NUNA DU PERCHET 0/0 0 39.59
29/03/2019 CSI2* MT.1,25 IN TWO PHASES ( Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 4 NUNA DU PERCHET 0/0 0 37.99
29/03/2019 CSI2* MT.1,40 IN TWO PHASES ( Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 28 HERMES DU PERCHET 8 0 53.51
28/03/2019 CSI2* MT.1,35 IN TWO PHASES ( Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 9 HERMES DU PERCHET 0/0 0 35.26
28/03/2019 CSI2* MT.1,40 AG THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) Elim. NUNA DU PERCHET Elim. 0 0