C) cont 3 - max3
Bruno Delgrange

Risultati di Helena LUNDBÄCK

Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
20/06/2021 comp.n.222 csi2* h.130 in 2 phases Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 26 CAPTAIN MARRYAT 4 0 56.03
20/06/2021 comp.n.223 csi2* h.135 against the clock***EQUIKAMEN*** Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 11 CC SAILOR 0 0 63.16
20/06/2021 COMP.N.6 CSIYH 6 Y.O. AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 14 WHALBORG 4 0 73.92
20/06/2021 comp.n.224 csi2* h.145 gp over 2 rounds Competition Over Two Rounds no Jump Off (Art. 273.3.3) 8 SPORTMAN 4/4 0 44.76
19/06/2021 COMP.N.5 CSIYH 6 YO AGAINST THE CLOCK+1 JUMP OFF Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 13 WHALBORG 4 0 79.85
19/06/2021 COMP.N.219 CSI2* H.140 IN 2 PHASES***E3A*** Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 41 CC SAILOR 12 0 48.53
18/06/2021 COMP.N.4 CSIYH 6 YO SPECIAL IN 2 PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.2) 7 WHALBORG 0/0 0 38.93
18/06/2021 COMP.N.213 CSI2* H.130 AGAINST THE CLOCK+1 JUMP OFF Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) Rit. CAPTAIN MARRYAT Rit. 0 0
18/06/2021 COMP.N.215 CSI2* H.140 AGAINST THE CLOCK***EQUIKAMEN*** Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 18 SPORTMAN 0 0 71.5
18/06/2021 COMP.N.215 CSI2* H.140 AGAINST THE CLOCK***EQUIKAMEN*** Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 29 CC SAILOR 4 0 72.09
Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
09/05/2021 CSI4* - KEP ITALIA SPABIG TOUR H145 RANKING COMP N 123 JUMP OFF ART 238.2.2 Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 35 ANTINA V'T MERELSNEST Z 8 0 69.13
09/05/2021 CSI4* GI ZETA INFISSI COMP N 124 GRAND PRIX RANK H155 JUMP OFF ART 238.2.2 Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) Rit. SPORTMAN Rit. 0 0
08/05/2021 CSI4* - GOLDSPAN ITALIA MEDIUM TOUR H130 COMP N 126 AGAINST THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 4 CAPTAIN MARRYAT 0 0 63.79
08/05/2021 CSI4* - AMAHORSE MEDIUM TOUR COMP 118 H140 JUMP OFF ART 238.2.2 Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 24 CC SAILOR 8 0 68.78
08/05/2021 CSI4* TECNOPLAST INFISSI BIG TOUR - H150 RANKING COMP N 116 IN TWO PHASES ART274 1.5.3. Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 23 SPORTMAN 0/8 0 28.56
07/05/2021 CSI4* KEP ITALIA MEDIUM TOUR H130 COMP N 110 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 10 CAPTAIN MARRYAT 0 0 68.48
07/05/2021 CSI4* CORICELLI PIETRO SPA BIG TOUR COMP107 H145/150 RANKING IN TWO PHASES ART Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 72 SPORTMAN 8 0 46.32
07/05/2021 CSI4* - GOLDSPAN ITALIA BIG TOUR COMP N 108 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 6 ANTINA V'T MERELSNEST Z 0 0 62.11
07/05/2021 CSI4* - ARNALDO CAPRAI MEDIUM TOUR H140 COMP N 111 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 37 CC SAILOR 12 0 60.6
06/05/2021 CSI 4* COMP102 BIG TOUR H140 AG. THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 66 ANTINA V'T MERELSNEST Z 4 0 67.72