C) cont 2 - max3
Bruno Delgrange

Risultati di Nikolaus LECKEBUSCH-PETERS

HORSES RIVIERA SSD A.R.L. - AUTUMN 2021 Salto Ostacoli
Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
31/10/2021 COMP N.26 CSIYH1* - 6 YH H125 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 18 CANADIAN CLUB 7 8 0 73.68
31/10/2021 COMP N.26 CSIYH1* - 6 YH H125 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 13 EXCENTRIQUE Z 4 0 65.66
31/10/2021 COMP N.232 CSI2* GP RANKING "d"H145 JUMP OFF (1 HORSE) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 29 ALICANTE 44 9 0 77.54
31/10/2021 COMP N.231 CSI2* H135 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 6 CURLY SUE 187 0 0 65.76
31/10/2021 COMP N.231 CSI2* H135 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 5 C'EST LA VIE 145 0 0 63.28
30/10/2021 COMP N.227 CSI2* H135 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 29 CURLY SUE 187 8 0 90.15
30/10/2021 COMP N.23 CSIYH1* - 6 YH H125 IMMEDIATE JUMP OFF Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 14 CANADIAN CLUB 7 0/0 0 36.25
30/10/2021 COMP N.23 CSIYH1* - 6 YH H125 IMMEDIATE JUMP OFF Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 1 EXCENTRIQUE Z 0/0 0 28.09
30/10/2021 COMP N.229 CSI2*RANKING "d" H145 AGAINST THE CLOCK (1 HORSE) Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 50 ALICANTE 44 20 0 74.83
30/10/2021 COMP N.228 CSI2* H140 JUMP OFF qualify for class 225 (2 HORSES) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 45 UNO ORCA Z 16 0 69.96
30/10/2021 COMP N.228 CSI2* H140 JUMP OFF qualify for class 225 (2 HORSES) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 12 C'EST LA VIE 145 4 0 66.66
29/10/2021 COMP N.20 CSIYH1* - 6 YH H125 IN TWO PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.2) 23 CANADIAN CLUB 7 8/0 0 37.27
29/10/2021 COMP N.20 CSIYH1* - 6 YH H125 IN TWO PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.2) 2 EXCENTRIQUE Z 0/0 0 30.02
29/10/2021 COMP N. 225 CSI2* H140 Q CLASS 220 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 4 C'EST LA VIE 145 0 0 56.49
29/10/2021 COMP N. 225 CSI2* H140 Q CLASS 220 AGAINST THE CLOCK Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 13 UNO ORCA Z 0 0 61.76
29/10/2021 COMP N. 224 CSI2* H135 IN TWO PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 31 CURLY SUE 187 4 0 47.31
HORSES RIVIERA SSD A.R.L. - AUTUMN 2021 Salto Ostacoli
Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
24/10/2021 COMP N.225 CSI3* G.P. RANKING H150 (1 HORSE) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 44 ALICANTE 44 28 0 78.84
23/10/2021 COMP N .221 CSI3* H140 JUMP OFF (2 HORSES) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 55 UNO ORCA Z 15 0 84.22
23/10/2021 COMP N.17 CSIYH1*- 6 YH H125 JUMP OFF IMMEDIATE Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 17 EXCENTRIQUE Z 0/4 0 35.69
23/10/2021 COMP N.17 CSIYH1*- 6 YH H125 JUMP OFF IMMEDIATE Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) N.P. CANADIAN CLUB 7 N.P. 0 0