C) cont 0 - max3

Risultati di Eva GAUTSCHI

Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
22/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 222 H140 JUMP OFF 238.2.2 (2 HORSES) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 7 HAYDEN 0/4 0 43.78
22/10/2022 CSI1* COMP N 119 H120 AGAINST THE CLOCK 238.2.1 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 7 LAKE DISTRICT B 0 0 65.95
22/10/2022 CSI1* COMP N 119 H120 AGAINST THE CLOCK 238.2.1 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 9 OREO WG 0 0 66.1
21/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 217 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK (2 HORSES) Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 26 HAYDEN 0 0 67.12
21/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 217 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK (2 HORSES) - Group B Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 13 HAYDEN 0 0 67.12
21/10/2022 CSI1* COMP N 115 H120 IN TWO PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 10 OREO WG 0/0 0 26.49
21/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 218 H145 RANKING AGAINST THE CLOCK (1 HORSE) Q 223/ Q GP 227 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 76 GOUACHE FONTANEL Z 8 0 70.91
21/10/2022 CSI1* COMP N 115 H120 IN TWO PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 3 LAKE DISTRICT B 0/0 0 25.13
20/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 214 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 (2 HORSES) Q 218 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 22 GOUACHE FONTANEL Z 0 0 64.04
20/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 214 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 (2 HORSES) Q 218 Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 115 HAYDEN 7 0 74.78
20/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 214 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 (2 HORSES) Q 218 - Group A Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 58 HAYDEN 7 0 74.78
20/10/2022 CSI3* COMP N 214 H140 AGAINST THE CLOCK ART 238.2.1 (2 HORSES) Q 218 - Group B Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 11 GOUACHE FONTANEL Z 0 0 64.04
Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavallo Pen. Punti Tempo
20/06/2021 comp.n.222 csi2* h.130 in 2 phases Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 4 KHALEESI VOM WEIHERGUT 0/0 0 32.61
20/06/2021 comp.n.223 csi2* h.135 against the clock***EQUIKAMEN*** Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 13 GOUACHE FONTANEL Z 0 0 64.3
20/06/2021 comp.n.223 csi2* h.135 against the clock***EQUIKAMEN*** Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 21 ULETTA VD MOLENEED Z 4 0 61.8
20/06/2021 comp.n.224 csi2* h.145 gp over 2 rounds Competition Over Two Rounds no Jump Off (Art. 273.3.3) 30 STAKKATA NW 16 0 77.07
19/06/2021 COMP.N.219 CSI2* H.140 IN 2 PHASES***E3A*** Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 11 ULETTA VD MOLENEED Z 0/0 0 33.95
19/06/2021 COMP.N.219 CSI2* H.140 IN 2 PHASES***E3A*** Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 17 STAKKATA NW 0/4 0 31.28
19/06/2021 COMP.N.220 CSI2* H.125 IN 2 PHASES***THARROS*** Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 2 KHALEESI VOM WEIHERGUT 0/0 0 31.53
19/06/2021 COMP.N.217 CSI2* H.130 AGAINST THE CLOCK***EQUIKAMEN*** Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 19 GOUACHE FONTANEL Z 4 0 66.06