C) cont 3 - max3
Selleria Gianetti

Risultati del cavallo CARLOS B 2

Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavaliere Pen. Punti Tempo
14/02/2021 comp.n.15 csi1* h.125 in 2 phases ***NADA TRIVIAL'*** Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 4 Margot ANGELOZ 0/0 0 26.63
13/02/2021 comp.n.11 csi1* h.115 against the clock Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 8 Margot ANGELOZ 4 0 54.04
12/02/2021 COMP.N.8 CSI1* H.115 IN 2 PHASES Competition In Two Phases table A+A (Art. 247.5.3) 15 Margot ANGELOZ 4 0 45.13
ASSOCIAZIONE SPORTIVA ETREA - Etrea Equestrian Tour Salto Ostacoli
Data Categoria Prontuario Pos. Cavaliere Pen. Punti Tempo
29/04/2018 N. 209 H 135 AG THE CLOCK ( 2 horses) Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 49 Gustave ANGELOZ 4 0 55.98
28/04/2018 N. 206 H. 140 AG. THE CLOCK + JUMP OFF ( 2 horses) Comp. Against the Clock + Jump Off (Art. 238.2.2) 76 Gustave ANGELOZ 23 0 85.79
27/04/2018 N. 202 H. 135 AG THE CLOCK ( 2 horses) Comp. Against the Clock (Art. 238.2.1) 75 Gustave ANGELOZ 4 0 61.89